Essential Piece #1: Synergy Team Power - The 5 Success Habits of high-performance Business Teams
Synergy Team Power is the foundation of the Synergy Formula and has proven to be successful in many companies and industries worldwide. When an organization comes together and is united behind a common set of goals and core values, the potential for extraordinary achievement is unlimited and without boundaries. High-performance business teams need structured, ongoing coaching, nurturing, development and discipline. Discipline is the bedfellow of teamwork and improves the quality of workmanship across the board. Training, education, good systems and structure are fundamental to making your team world-class. The Synergy magic happens through the team’s combined effort and commitment to practice a given set of core values. Practicing core values and insisting that core values become a platform for decision making will teach employees how to build relationship trust, loyalty, commitment and respect. The environment and climate plays a major role in marshaling the collective brain power and creative energy of your team. Therein lies the true source of power.
Essential Piece # 2 Synergy Strategic Planning is an easy-to-implement, powerful 4-step process that demonstrates how to achieve extraordinary success through high-performance teams focused on a shared destiny. Synergy Strategic Planning focuses on integrating people, systems, and structure, thus directing them toward a predetermined, worthwhile vision–a clear set of believable and livable values–and Transformational, Exciting, Authentic, Measurable (TEAM) goals.
The core principle of Synergy Strategic Planning is that organizational effectiveness is achieved through committed leaders who see the organization as a whole, and that change happens quickly through empowered individuals working in teams toward a shared destiny.
 Essential Piece #4:The “WOW” Factor! We all have products, companies and people we love to do business with. When we experience the magic of the WOW factor, we want to repeat it over and over. It’s flattering, it’s attractive and we want more of it. You can bring the WOW factor into your business and into your life by making deliberate authentic choices and powering up your charisma.